
Music and Lyrics by Stephen Schwartz
Book by Christian Struppeck

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Doomed (Aus! Vorbei!)
Dream Big (Träum Gross)
Something’s Going On (Irgendwas Passiert)
Without Her (Ohne Sie)
This is Love (Liebe Siegt)
The Most Glamorous Couple (Strahlendes Traumpaar)
Look the Other Way (Wegzusehn)
A Woman Like You (So Jemand wie Du)
Happy for Me (Freut euch mit Mir)
A New Beginning (Ein Neues Leben)
Plenty of Fish (So viele Fische im Meer)
Finale Act One
Missing Ingredient (Irgendwas Wichtiges Fehlt)
Strictly Business (Rein Geschäftlich)
Me! Why Me? (Ich?  Warum?)
Spend and Hope (Geld und Glück)
The Worst Idea of All Time (Das Wird ein Misserfolg!)
No More Drama (Letzter Vorhang)
My Song (Mein Lied)
Finale Act Two


SCHIKANEDER is a backstage romantic comedy about the tempestuous relationship between actor/writer/impresario Emanuel Schikaneder and his wife Eleonore and how it led, in a surprising way, to the creation of the opera The Magic Flute, which many point to as the world’s first “musical.”


2016 Original Cast Album


Video: Mark Seibert and Milica Jovanovic perform “Träum Gross”
Stephen Schwartz Fan Site